If you see your name twice in the same play don’t worry, Sylvia hasn’t made a mistake!
All the World’s a Stage
Tony Giddings
Romeo and Juliet
- Lord Capulet
- Chris Pollock
- Romeo
- David Bailey
- Juliet
- Alice Gosney
Much Ado About Nothing
- Benedick
- Peter Emuss
- Beatrice
- Anna McGrail
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Bottom
- Tim Knott
- Snug
- Chris Pollock
- Starveling
- Tony Giddings
- Snout
- Angela Giddings
- Quince
- Pete Grant
- Flute
- Stella Greaves
- Oberon
- Clive Greaves
- Titania
- Becky Holden
- Hippolyta
- Alice Gosney
- Theseus
- Clive Greaves
- Puck
- Pete Tapp
- Fairy
- Anna McGrail